Schedule a 30-min complimentary discovery call to get started.
Here's how I can help you.
Every woman’s journey to self-empowerment and happiness is different. Browse through my coaching programs to find the right one for you.
Let me introduce myself
I help women tap into the power of their hearts.
My mission is to serve successful women around the world with love and curiosity. To strengthen their self-awareness so they can feel their freedom to make conscious choices with integrity in order to follow their vision, maximize their potential, and fulfill their higher purpose.
Asma K. Chaudhry
The Fastest Way to Change Your Life
Discover My Heart
An introductory session (1 hour) perfect for those new to life coaching. Identify your passions, goals, and concerns as a woman...
Find My Heart
A 3-month, 6-session coaching course for women with short-term goals like improving fitness, starting a passion project,...
Expand My Heart
A 6-month, 12-session program designed for women currently undertaking huge, long-term goals like a career change,...
I work with Successful Women from different fields and industries
Schedule a 30-Minute
Complimentary Call
Book a complimentary 30-minute discovery call to find out how you can start your journey to an empowered heart.